Monday, November 3, 2014

# 78 Food

I am trying to eat better!
 The paleo diet is very popular these days and I am doing a "version" of that. You don't eat anything a caveman didn't have. Lots of meat and vegetables. Leave the junk food alone and no bread or pasta.
And no processed food..Eat Natural!
 I have to say some of the food is very good! I have not been doing it long enough to see if it will  have a weight reduction result, but I feel much better.
Free range pork and venison are on the menu, Lets go hunting!

Psalm 104
14 Thou dost cause the grass to grow for the cattle,
    and plants for man to cultivate,[b]
that he may bring forth food from the earth,
    and wine to gladden the heart of man,

oil to make his face shine,
    and bread to strengthen man’s heart.

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